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Idle Empires Strategy Guide Tips and Tricks

Idle Empires is a new idle RPG game for Android and iOS platforms. Your goal here is to take over kingdoms, build empires, keep people satisfied lest they rise and throw you out of power, and get tons of gold, jewels, and other goods. Read on for some tips and tricks on Idle Empires!

Idle Empires Strategy Guide Tips and Tricks

There are countless ways to increase your villagersproduction. You can perform basic tasks to upgrade buildings and upgrade revolutionary facilities. Unlocking the census also grants villagers bonuses to increase all production.

Also, if you have red gems, you can use two to double the production of all buildings permanently. And if you’re building on space, one of your options is to increase the gold yield of all villagers by 5%.

Idle Empires Strategy Guide Tips and Tricks

When dealing with a riot, there are many ways to respond. Arguably the worst is to blame your servants. Watch the first few commercials. Then run away when the ad option disappears.

You start at the beginning, but with Alien Credits, then move to a future where you can buy boosts, crates, and other goodies using Alien Credits. You can do anything from gold boosts per tap and per second to attack and defense increases for your army.

Here are some of the best tips and tricks of the Idle Empires game you can use in 2023.

1. Increase Max Resource Storage

Idle Empires Tips Increase Max Resource Storage

As you start unlocking more buildings, the cost of these buildings will become more than your empire can currently afford. If this happens, it’s time to increase the maximum resources!

Since there are two types of resources, food and supplies, you will need to build both buildings to increase the maximum amount of these resources.

You should research and build Food Pantry and Supply Depot. The food Pantry unlocks the Silo building to increase your maximum food resources, and the Supply Depot opens a warehouse building to grow your leading supply resources.

2. Resource Processing Buildings

Keep researching new building options; eventually, you can build resource-processing buildings. This building takes specific resources and transforms them into new ones.

Idle Empires Tricks

For example, a sawmill converts wood into planks. These processed resources are required for some new buildings you unlock! Resource processing buildings, like gathering facilities, provide processed resources every second.

The first research option for building treatment is Processed Lumber: Which unlocks a sawmill building that converts lumber into planks. And the second is Pottery: Which opens a kiln building that converts clay into a brick resource. And last but not least, Forge: It unlocks a forge building that converts ore and wood into tool resources.

3. Upgrade your building

Some of the research options to unlock are level upgrades to buildings. When opening the next building level, you can tap on the structure of your empire and upgrade it to the next level if you have the necessary resources.

Upgrade your building Idle Empires Guide

Upgrading buildings can be expensive but still provide more efficient facilities that take up only one valuable piece of land space. Over time, your empire will need more, but more buildings will be required for you as land becomes more challenging.

For example, 1 level 3 farm occupying one land slot can provide the same food as 9 level 1 farms occupying nine spaces.

4. Expand your empire

After completing several research options, building resource processing buildings, and saving lots of resources, it’s time to expand your empire!

To do so, you’ll need to scout the terrain and find a new location to build your town hall. This will expand your empire’s territories and allow you to make more buildings!

Idle Empires Strategy to expand your empire

You’ll want to investigate the Scouting option in the Investigate menu if you haven’t already. If it’s still locked, you can check the Investigate option you need to unlock it and start investigating that prerequisite.

To scout the land, find the dark ground around the domain and tap it. Scouting options are displayed, and resources are consumed. The farther you land from one of your bases, the more expensive your scout will be!

When you find a good spot, build a new City Hall. Like scouts and other buildings you need, you’ll want to research the town hall if you haven’t already.

Town Halls get more and more expensive depending on how many you own! Choose a good place with lots of lands to build on!

Other tips and tricks

Keep your anxiety below 50%. Above 50%, it increases much more quickly, and soon you lose control of the situation. Still, now is an ideal time to use propaganda posts!

Once the revolution starts, various reduction methods are available. When the first revolution occurs, anxiety increases more rapidly for the rest of the game. Work very hard to avoid the first revolution! It will help you in the long run.

Focus on any upgrades related to anxiety. In most cases, lack of time is more of a problem than poor gold production or weak troops. Use the Alien Skull to buy all the unsettling alien perks available.

Don’t be afraid to take a break when the going gets tough. Thanks to all the essential alien skull upgrades, you can always start over and get to your previous best position a little faster.

Andrew Epstein

Andrew Epstein is a writer for Apk Entry Gaming. With over four years of experience in Android Games and Apps. Andrew helps the audience by reviewing games and Apps and sharing his experience with them so they can make a better decisions.

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