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How to Create Farm Account in Rise of Empires?

Farm accounts are meant to help with the resources of the main castle, as higher-level courts require a lot of resources. You should create at least one farm account to speed up your levelling progress without spending money on the game. If you want to create a farm account, you must ensure your primary account is secure.

create Farm Account in Rise of Empires Farm game

You must bind your main account with Google, Facebook, or IM 30. This is very important. Otherwise, you may lose your primary account.

Walkthrough: Rise Of Empires Hero Combinations

What is a farm account in Rise of Empires?

Rise of Empires farm accounts is additional convertible accounts used to produce resources for your base account village. It then transfers resources to the main narrative through repeated attacks.

What is a farm account in Rise of Empires?

The higher the farm account village level and the stronger the troops used to plunder the farm account, the more resources you will receive after each attack. This process is beneficial for players interested in quickly gaining a lot of help.

How Farm Accounts Help Basic Accounts?

Farm accounts are meant to help with the resources of the main castle, as higher-level courts require a lot of resources. Resources are gathered from the frame account and pulled from the main narrative.

Rise of Empires Farm Account Benefits

The primary purpose of this new account is to use it only to loot resources from the main narrative. After creating these accounts, also called Farms, you can earn daily resources by repeating raids with legions on your main account.

Another benefit of having a Rise of Empires farm account is that it allows you to have more than one gathering place for each resource type. This is very important for players looking to maximize production, as you can have more than one village collecting the same resource.

This can be a massive advantage over other players as it gives you the potential to produce a much larger number of resources overall.

How to Create a Farm Account in Rise of Empires in 2023?

Link an existing account.

Binding Rise of an Empire Account Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3.

Create a new Gmail account.

Create a new Gmail or other email provider account, or use one of your existing email addresses.

Rise of Empires create Farm Account 2023

This email address must not be the same as the email address for your current Rise of Empires accounts.

Start a new Rise of Empires game.

Rise of Empires Farm Account

Click Start New Game; a message will pop up; click OK. Congratulations. You have now created a second account.

Link the newly created game account.

Tap the menu icon on the right side of the screen, then click the three-dot icon at the top. Then tap the account icon, Bind the account, and Bind to IM30.

Binding Rise of an Empire Account Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3

This will save your account progress to the IM30 server, so even if you lose your phone, your game progress will still be held to that server.

Switch accounts in Rise of Empires.

How to Create Farm Account of Rise of Empires

Click Switch Account
Switch accounts in the IM30 list
Click on the im30 account

You now have two accounts, and the first thing you need to do before switching back to your primary charge is to bind them as well. To do so, tap the menu icon on the right side of the screen, then the three-dot icon at the top, go to Accounts, and tap Switch Account.

Next, choose the option you used previously to bind your account: Google Account, Facebook, Play Games Account, or IM30. All your accounts are linked to the IM30, but you can choose which one you want.

Rise of Empire Account Tiers

This feature is great because you can switch between accounts without losing progress on each account and have them on the same device.


Which class is best for a Rise of Empires farm account?

The best and most used class for farm accounts is the Farmer class, which provides the most resources thanks to its perks and exclusive building, the Framer’s Guild.

How many farm accounts can I create on the same device?

You can create and switch between up to 10 accounts on the same device.

What if I burn my farm account entirely?

Your farm account will be teleported to a random location within your state.

Can I transfer diamonds, charcoal, or ale between my farm accounts?

No, you can’t. Diamonds, Charcoal, and Ale are not transferable. However, repeated attacks can transfer other resources such as food, timber, lumber, iron, and gold.

Can I change my farm account email address?

Unfortunately, Rise of Empires does not allow you to change your email address. However, you can reset your password.

Andrew Epstein

Andrew Epstein is a writer for Apk Entry Gaming. With over four years of experience in Android Games and Apps. Andrew helps the audience by reviewing games and Apps and sharing his experience with them so they can make a better decisions.

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