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Golf Clash Tips and Tricks

Golf Clash is pretty simple to pick up and play, but there are also a few tips and tricks you can learn along the way to become the best golfer in 2023.

Golf Clash Tips and Tricks

Get gems and use them properly.

One of the best tips in the Golf Clash games is to have gems. If you’re wondering what Golf Clash rocks are, they’re not helpful for anything other than buying ball upgrades or club cards.

Golf Clash tries to get you to exchange gems for coins, and while it’s very enticing if you don’t have enough experience, you can quickly blow coins, and it’s almost like getting no cash at all.

You can use them in the store to buy club cards occasionally, but save them for ball upgrades in the long run.

Sometimes it’s tempting to open a treasure chest early by sacrificing a few gems. Treasure chests are your only source of gemstones, and unless you belong to a clan with a large gem bonus percentage, they come slowly with each chest.

If you sacrifice a gem to open a chest, that chest will contain no gems. It’s best to be patient and open the chest later to get a few gems. Joining a well-ranked clan has advantages, including a percentage bonus on rocks.

If you want to play without paying real money, the best use of your gems is to save them for ball upgrades. Most players focus on upgrading their clubs, but even if you have great clubs, you will find courses where great clubs are not enough due to distance or wind speed.

This is where the upgrades you see begin. Later when playing on an in-depth tour, these ball upgrades can make the difference between winning and losing. Having a 3000 gem bank is a game saver.

Keep an eye on your coins.

Money makes the world go round. Golf Clash is no exception. There is an entry fee for each match. It also costs money to upgrade those clubs. Well, the obvious answer is to win the game. But there are other ways to grow your wallet.

Another reason to keep chests open is that you get coins every time you open them. Also, some ads allow you to earn a few coins. And finally, if you don’t mind spending real money for virtual fun, you can buy cash from the in-app market.

Hit the good shoot

Don’t be afraid to move the target from where the game automatically places it. You don’t always have the best intentions in mind.

Timing is critical in Golf Clash. Especially when starting, you’ll be tempted to pull the ball back as far as possible before throwing it. Too much power can be just as destructive as not using enough.

Pull the ball back and look at the target circle. When you’re ready to shoot, release your fingers when your arrow hits the ‘perfect’ line. In the worst case, it may be a ‘big’ hit, but sometimes it can be just right.

You can add spin to the ball if desired. Find out which scenarios it is best to do this. Often you can leave it as is, but sometimes you’ll want to tweak the trajectory.

Upgrade your clubs

Upgrading your club is pivotal to success, especially in later tournaments. Open the box as soon as you receive it. Unlocking them can take a while; it’s a waste of time if you don’t put them forward.

You get tickets for a specific club or ball whenever you open a chest. Do upgrades and watch them when you’ve earned enough to jump into gear. Upgrade your favorite clubs first, as they can be expensive.

Don’t forget to equip your new club! It’s not done automatically, so it’s easy to forget. If money is tight, focus on upgrading your drivers and putters. They are the two you will use the most.

The ball provides special skills such as sidespin or wind resistance. It is not a permanent item and can only be traded once. Use it only when you think it will make a decisive difference during the match.

Keep your boxes up to date and get freebies.

The chests contain coins, gems, clubs, and upgraded balls, so keeping pace with opening them is essential. There are many ways to get bins, and you can get a lot of different chests.

The default chests are wooden, silver, gold, and platinum chests. You can earn these bare chests by climbing the leaderboards and winning matches. You can also link Golf Clash to your Facebook account for a free Platinum Chest.

There are also king chests and pin chests. The King’s Chest can only be obtained via in-app purchase but boasts at least five epic cards and 24 rare cards (61 cards total). The Pin Box is a special box received after eight successful putts.

Start unlocking chests as soon as possible so you don’t lose support and miss out on getting more bins. Silver chests are the most common; they take 4 hours to unlock and cost 20 gems if you’re willing to spend the money.

Other tips to consider

The higher your league rank, the higher your chances of getting more cards in your chests. Also, complete the available achievements. Doing so will earn you gems that can be used for many good things.

Connect to Facebook. You get free Platinum Chests, and playing with friends is more fun. Keep an eye on the pin box. A unique box that opens when you make eight successful putts.

It provides a lot of valuable cards that do more than do what they were meant to do anyway, as someone relatively new to mobile gaming. And one of the most addictive games ever was Golf Clash.

Golf Clash is a game for iOS and Android that pits you against one-on-one battles on the golf course to see who has the better timing and accuracy. Collect trophies as you play, earn upgrade crates, and unlock new clubs and golf balls, each with unique properties.


We hope these Golf Clash tips and tricks will help you get better at the game. So get out there and play golf! We look forward to seeing you on the green, and don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments below if you have any tips you’d like to share!

Andrew Epstein

Andrew Epstein is a writer for Apk Entry Gaming. With over four years of experience in Android Games and Apps. Andrew helps the audience by reviewing games and Apps and sharing his experience with them so they can make a better decisions.

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