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10 Best Cues in 8 Ball Pool in 2023

In an 8-ball pool, there are no specific “best cues” that universally guarantee success. However, certain cues have gained popularity due to their attributes and features that can aid players in improving their game.

Keep in mind that cue preference is highly personal, and what works well for one player might not work as effectively for another.

Best Cues in 8 Ball Pool in 2023

Here’s a list of the 10 best cues that have been well-regarded by players:

1. Archangel Cue: Known for its sleek design and excellent ball control.

2. Black Hole Cue: Offers precise aiming and control, particularly for beginners.

3. Galaxy Cue: Provides good balance and control for accurate shots.

4. Thor Hammer Cue: Recognized for its power and ability to handle longer shots.

5. Black Diamond Cue: Offers a solid balance between power and control.

6. Archon Cue: Notable for its accuracy and smooth cue ball control.

7. Dynasty Cue: Offers a combination of power, spin, and control.

8. Molten Lava Cue: Provides excellent aiming and spin capabilities.

9. Valkyrie Cue: Known for its versatility and accuracy on various shots.

10. Sultan Cue: Offers a good mix of control and power, suitable for a wide range of players.

How to choose the best Cues in 8 Ball Pool?

In the 8-ball pool, using the right cues can significantly improve your game. The choice of cue often comes down to personal preference, but here are some features and cues that many players consider to be effective:

Accuracy and Precision

Look for cues that offer high accuracy and precision in aiming. These cues typically have fine aiming lines and a clear sight on the cue ball to help you line up shots accurately.

Cue Length

A standard pool cue is usually around 57-58 inches long. Some players prefer longer cues for added reach and control, while others prefer shorter cues for a quicker and more compact stroke.

Weight and Balance

Cues come in different weights and balances. Finding a cue with a weight that feels comfortable and balanced in your hands is important for consistent shots.

Shaft Construction

Many players prefer cues with low-deflection shafts. These shafts reduce the amount of cue ball deflection, which can lead to more accurate shots, especially when using spin.

Tip Type and Size

The tip of the cue stick can greatly affect your shot-making ability. Smaller tips (around 12-13 mm) offer more control for finesse shots, while larger tips (around 13-14 mm) provide more power for breaking and long shots.

Grip and Wrap

The grip or wrap on the cue can impact your comfort and control. Popular options include Irish linen, leather, rubber, or various textured grips. Choose what feels best for you.


Some 8-ball pool players prefer custom cues that are tailored to their preferences, including design, weight, length, and other features. Custom cues can be more expensive, but they provide a unique and personalized playing experience.

Ultimately, the best cue in the 8-ball pool will depend on your playing style, preferences, and budget. It’s a good idea to try out different cues if possible before making a decision.

Faq of Best Cues in 8 Ball Pool

Here’s a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section about the best cues in 8 Ball Pool:

What makes a cue the “best” in the 8 Ball Pool?

The best cue is subjective and depends on your playing style and preferences. A cue with attributes like accuracy, power, and ball control can contribute to its effectiveness.

Which cues are considered the best for beginners?

Cues like the Black Hole Cue, Archangel Cue, and Galaxy Cue are often recommended for beginners due to their ease of use and control.

Are there cues specifically designed for power shots?

Yes, cues like the Thor Hammer Cue and Sultan Cue are known for their power, making them suitable for longer shots and breaking.

What cues are popular for precise aiming and spin?

Cues such as the Archon Cue, Molten Lava Cue, and Valkyrie Cue are favored for their accuracy in aiming and spin control.

Are there cues that offer a balance between power and control?

The Black Diamond Cue and Dynasty Cue are often praised for providing a balanced combination of power and control.

Can I succeed in 8 Ball Pool without using the “best” cues?

Absolutely. While cues can enhance your game, skill, strategy, and practice play a more significant role in your success.

How do I choose the right cue for me?

Experiment with cues that have attributes matching your playing style. Test cues in practice games to see which one feels most comfortable and effective.

Should I prioritize cue design or performance?

Both design and performance matter. A cue that you like aesthetically and feel confident using can positively impact your performance.

Can I use cues from the shop or should I wait for cues in cue boxes?

You can use cues from the shop or cue boxes. Shop cues are often more readily available, while cue boxes may offer unique and premium cues.

Are there cues that improve my skills instantly?

No cue guarantees instant skill improvement. Consistent practice, understanding game mechanics, and learning different shots are essential for skill enhancement.


Remember that cues in the 8-ball pool often come with different statistics that can influence attributes like power, accuracy, spin, and time.

Experimenting with various cues to find the one that aligns with your playing style and preferences is crucial for success. It’s also important to focus on developing your skills and understanding of the game, as the cue is just one element of your performance.

Andrew Epstein

Andrew Epstein is a writer for Apk Entry Gaming. With over four years of experience in Android Games and Apps. Andrew helps the audience by reviewing games and Apps and sharing his experience with them so they can make a better decisions.

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